Student Presenter Guidelines
Prior to the session, student presenters are expected to...
During the session, student presenters are expected to...
After the NCTE Annual Convention, all student presenters are encouraged to...
Prior to the session, student presenters are expected to...
- provide contact information, presentation title, and 25-word abstract for mentors to submit,
- plan an 10-12 minute roundtable presentation,
- focus on a 21st-century teaching idea or inquiry, or a research-driven pedagogical practice,
- consider the audience of novice and experienced English teachers,
- prepare a one-page handout and upload to the "Future Is Now" Google folder,
- attend the ELATE-GS meet and greet (if applicable),
During the session, student presenters are expected to...
- dress professionally (i.e., classroom teaching attire)
- arrive 15 minutes early for their presentation,
- present to an audience of their peers at the annual "Future Is Now" session,
- be attentive to the other two or three presentations at the table,
- prepare to ask other presenters at the table at least one question about their presentation,
- engage in conversation with presenters, respondents, and attendees after all presentations have concluded.
After the NCTE Annual Convention, all student presenters are encouraged to...
- check out the myriad handouts in the shared Google folder,
- share ideas and experiences from the convention with peers at their institutions,
- consider turning the presentation into a publication,
- plan to submit a proposal for the next year's NCTE Annual Convention.
"Future Is Now" Meet and Greet
NCTE's ELATE Graduate Strand often hosts a virtual and/or in-person meet and greet for student presenters, teacher educators, and session respondents as part of the NCTE Annual Convention. The meeting provides a nice opportunity for "Future Is Now" student presenters to learn more about the session, meet their fellow presenters, and interact with mentors and respondents. |
Sample Presentation Titles
The following is a sampling of presentation titles from the “Future Is Now” session at past NCTE Annual Conventions.
For more information, see the "Past Session Programs" page.
The following is a sampling of presentation titles from the “Future Is Now” session at past NCTE Annual Conventions.
- A Gamified Standards-Based Incentive Program and Middle School Writers
- Addressing Disability through a Social Justice Lens in Children's Books
- Audience, Genre, and Revision: Helping Students Find Authenticity through Writing
- Exploring Cinema: A Multi-modal Approach to Character Analysis
- Lifting the Digital Curtain with Project Based Learning
- Representations of LGB Youth in Young Adult Literature
- The Benefits & Challenges of Blended Learning: Personalizing the Secondary ELA Classroom
- To Kill a Mockingjay: Examining Commonly-taught Literature through an Environmental Lens
For more information, see the "Past Session Programs" page.